FIP (Form-In-Place) Gasketing

FIP: Form-In-Place

What is FIP (Form-In-Place) Gasketing?

Form-in-place (FIP) gasketing is a sealing technique where a liquid gasket material is dispensed onto a component and then cured to form a solid seal. FIP gaskets are dispensed using automated dispensing equipment, typically a CNC machine, which allows for precise control over the bead size and placement.

FIP gaskets offer several advantages over traditional pre-formed gaskets, including:

Conformability: FIP gaskets can conform to uneven surfaces, providing a better sealing than pre-formed gaskets.

Versatility: FIP gaskets can be dispensed in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Elimination of inventory: Since FIP gaskets are dispensed on-demand, there is no need to stock a variety of pre-formed gaskets.

Improved assembly efficiency: FIP gaskets can be applied quickly and easily during the assembly process.

FIP gaskets are typically used in applications where a high degree of sealing is required, such as:

EMI/RFI shielding: FIP gaskets can be formulated to be electrically conductive, which helps to block electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).

Environmental sealing: FIP gaskets can be used to seal out dust, moisture, and other contaminants.

Adhesive applications: FIP gaskets can be used to bond components together.

FIP gaskets are a versatile sealing solution that can be used in a wide variety of applications. If you are looking for a high-performance, cost-effective sealing solution, FIP gaskets may be a good option for you.

Evercast has performed thousands of FIP process for our customers, especially the optical transceiver module, with abundant experiences. Please contact our Sales Team for further information.